The Interaction between video cues patterns and its display time in a mobile micro-training environment and its effect on developing instructional design skills for the flipped classroom, the attitude towards the training environment, and reducing cognitive load for teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Technology Department -Faculty of Education - Alexandria University


The current research aims to uncover the interaction between the patterns of video cues (audio, visual, audiovisual), and display time (short, long) in an environment for mobile micro training, and to measure its effect on the development of the achievement aspect, and the performance aspect of the instructional design skills of the flipped classroom and the attitude towards the training environment, and reducing the cognitive load of a sample for teachers, and the researcher prepared (6) experimental treatments for video cues patterns and its display time, and the researcher used the experimental approach and factorial experimental design 2 × 3, and the research sample consisted of (90) teachers in Alexandria Governorate; and the sample was divided into six groups of (15) male and female teachers.
The results of the research showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level <(0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental research groups regarding the cognitive aspect, and the performance aspect of the instructional design skills for the flipped classroom, and reducing the cognitive load in favor of audiovisual cues and short time display (2-4 minutes) while there were no statistically significant differences of the interaction between video cues patterns (audio- visual- audiovisual) and the display time(short-long) in the micro training environment in all the dependent variables. therefore, the research recommends using the short video time (2-4) minutes in the mobile micro training environments with audiovisual cues .


Main Subjects


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